
口腔卫生 Program Description

Perry Campus- 5454 OH-37, New Lexington, OH 43764

口腔卫生 Student Working | 口腔卫生 Program | 2-Year 社区 College | Hocking CollegeNOTICE: The next 口腔卫生 class will begi2024年秋. Application to the program is a two-step process that begins with an application to Hocking College. The 口腔卫生 Program has an additional, 可在本页的“计划申请”部分单独申请.


Students who complete the two academic years of full-time instruction in the 口腔卫生 Program will receive an Associate of Applied Science in 口腔卫生. Graduates of the program will be eligible to take the National 和 Regional board exams 和 state laws exam to become a 注册ed Dental Hygienist.

课程内容包括以下四个方面的课程:通识教育, Biomedical Sciences, Dental Sciences 和 口腔卫生 Sciences. 课程提供口腔结构的全面背景知识, 发展, 病理, disease prevention 和 progression 和治疗.


The program emphasizes professional 和 ethical interactions with patients 和 other health professionals. Effective communication skills are gained through patient interaction in Hocking’s on-site dental clinic.

完成课程申请要求后, 学生将有资格申请口腔卫生课程.

Hocking College offers all-inclusive pricing 和 works with students to assure they have complete college funding, including financial aid, before they start classes. 有关课程费用,请参阅课程表.

All-inclusive pricing includes the following:



$20........Health Center Services

$75........职业生涯 Center Services





Pricing for housing 和 meal plans can be found here.



The dem和 for dental services will increase as the population ages 和 as research continues to link oral health to overall health.

从2016年到2026年,牙科保健师的就业预计将增长20%, much faster than the average for all occupations.

Students interested in 牙 hygiene program should be able to meet the following performance requirements:

  • Professional Attitude
  • Ability to visually identify 颜色变化 在口腔组织中
  • 听觉能力 & 不用看说话人的脸就能听懂正常的说话声音
  • 长时间静坐的身体能力
  • Perform repetitive wrist motions
  • 手灵巧度
  • Maneuver in limited spaces
  • Written 和 verbal communication skills
  • 计算机技能

View the occupational profile

Public Disclosure of Licensure

Hocking College offers courses, associate degree 和 certificate programs that may lead to professional licensure 和/or certification. Successful completion of the programs listed on this page may potentially lead to professional licensure, registration or certification. 许可、注册或认证可能是全球性的、全国性的或特定于州的. 这符合俄亥俄州的要求. Requirements for other states may vary. If you currently live in a state other than Ohio or intend to move to a state other than Ohio 和 use the education completed at Hocking College to sit for such an exam, be aware there may be additional requirements. Please contact the appropriate administering body 和/or the college contact for the program to discuss your intentions.

口腔卫生 Licensure Disclosure

The following outcomes are skills, behaviors  牙科卫生应用科学副学士学生所培养的态度. 成功完成口腔卫生课程后,毕业生将能够:

  • 运用理论原理并执行相关程序  卫生实践,定期自我评估能力,以确保高标准的护理.
  • 运用批判性思维技能确定以病人为中心的治疗的需要和程度, including radiographic exposure, routine preventative procedures, periodontal therapy procedures, 转介接受额外评估及/或治疗, response to medical/dental emergencies, 和 all other treatment needs.
  • Utilize 牙 hygiene process of care in the prevention 和/or treatment of oral diseases: assessment, dental hygiene diagnosis, 规划, 实现, 评价, 和 documentation.
  • 应用 oral health literacy utilizing analysis of current research literature to provide oral 和 overall health promotion to individual patients 和 the community using evidence-based information.
  • 在预约计划的所有阶段使用感染控制的标准预防措施, patient interaction, 和治疗.
  • 辨别和管理道德问题(使用《十大网赌网站大全》和联邦及州法律), exercise sound clinical 判断,并与不同人群的专业人员和患者合作.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) are statements of what a student will be able to do when they have completed a program. They represent the knowledge 和 skills a program has determined are most important for students to gain from that program 和 include both the Success Skills (institutional outcomes) 和 项目的结果. SLOs are specific 和 measurable so the program can accurately assess the degree to which students have achieved each outcome, 他们与大学和机构的使命和价值观一致. Data on the achievement of SLOs is used to make improvements in the program 和 increase student success. 

Hocking College Institutional Learning Outcomes

1) Demonstrate sound critical thinking, information literacy 和 technological competency in the production of academic writing 和 presentations

2) 应用 the methods of mathematical, 统计或分析推理,批判性地评估数据, 解决问题并有效沟通发现.

3) Demonstrate an awareness of the social, 塑造个人的政治和经济力量, institutions 和 communities in the modern world.

4)Underst和 social justice 和 the diversities 和 complexities of the cultural 和 social world past 和 present 和 come to an informed sense of self 和 others.

5)Demonstrate a foundation of knowledge in the natural sciences based on theory 和 laboratory skills.

6) Cultivate ethical values, 个人健康和个人学习策略在整个人的发展, 心, 身体和精神.

7) Integrate content material to application in the workforce 和 apply discipline specific knowledge 和 skills to successfully transfer or effectively meet the expectations of internships, 工作场所, volunteerism 和/or entrepreneurship endeavors.

8) Utilize the ethical 和 professional application of current information technology 和 tools effectively.



The following outcomes are skills, behaviors  牙科卫生应用科学副学士学生所培养的态度. 成功完成口腔卫生课程后,毕业生将能够:

  • 运用理论原理并执行相关程序  卫生实践,定期自我评估能力,以确保高标准的护理.
  • 运用批判性思维技能确定以病人为中心的治疗的需要和程度, including radiographic exposure, routine preventative procedures, periodontal therapy procedures, 转介接受额外评估及/或治疗, response to medical/dental emergencies, 和 all other treatment needs.
  • Utilize 牙 hygiene process of care in the prevention 和/or treatment of oral diseases: assessment, dental hygiene diagnosis, 规划, 实现, 评价, 和 documentation.
  • 应用 oral health literacy utilizing analysis of current research literature to provide oral 和 overall health promotion to individual patients 和 the community using evidence-based information.
  • 在预约计划的所有阶段使用感染控制的标准预防措施, patient interaction, 和治疗.
  • 辨别和管理道德问题(使用《十大网赌网站大全》和联邦及州法律), exercise sound clinical 判断,并与不同人群的专业人员和患者合作.


National 口腔卫生 Board Exam (NDHBE)

毕业一年 Number of Students 通过率
2021 18 100%
2022 18 94.4%
2023 17 Waiting on results



毕业一年 Number of Students H和s-on 通过率 Written 通过率
2021 18 100% 100%
2022 18 100% 100%
2023 17 100% 100%


CDCA – WERB Anesthesia Certificate Board

毕业一年 Number of Students 通过率
2021 18 100%
2022 18 94.4%
2023 17 100%


口腔卫生 Program 流失率s

毕业一年 Number of Students 流失率
2021 18/20 10%


Testing is open to Hocking College students applying for any of the following programs: 口腔卫生, Medical Laboratory Technology, or Physical Therapist Assisting.  测试前, 学生必须告知监考他们选择的课程,因为每个课程都有专门的编码

barrowsr@85500171.com or call (740) 753-7195.

TEAS testing dates Spring 2023. 7 Seats per session:

AM  hours 9-1; PM hours 12-4

January - 7 sessions:

10 th-am会话
18th - PM session
20th - AM session
24th - PM session
26th - AM session
30th - PM session

February - 10 sessions

第1 - AM时段
第7 -上午环节
第9 -下午时段
15th - PM session
1第7 -上午环节
21 -下午会议
23 -上午时段
27th - PM session

March - 10 sessions

第1 - AM时段
15th - PM session
1第7 -上午环节
21 -下午会议
23rd - AM session
27th - PM session
31st - PM session

NOTICE: The application deadline for 秋天 2024 will be May 31, 2024.

口腔卫生 Program Application
 Click Here To 应用 Today
感谢您对十大网赌网站大全口腔卫生项目的兴趣. 口腔卫生教育课程科学、严谨、密集. 总入学人数是基于设施容量和具体的项目录取标准. These procedures are necessary to ensure that the students selected have the potential for successfully completing the program. 

请务必阅读此包中的所有信息,以确保您提交完整的申请. 口腔卫生课程不会考虑不完整的申请. 申请人有责任确保申请是完整的. 

进入口腔卫生课程是有选择性和竞争性的. 选择是基于特定标准的公式. 排名最高的20名候选人将被录取. 

下载BCI & FBI Criminal History Record Check Here


完成口腔卫生计划的目标, 学生必须达到以下成绩要求:

- Professional Attitude: It is important for a dental hygienist to interact professionally with patients, 同事, 雇主, 和 other health care professionals. 因此, if at any time during the application process it is determined that your attitude or actions are unprofessional, 你的申请可能不被考虑接受.
- Ability to visually identify oral tissue changes 和 evaluate treatment effectiveness is essential to 牙 hygiene professional.
- 听觉能力 和 underst和 the normal speaking voice without viewing the speaker's face 和 take/hear blood pressure with a stethoscope.
-长时间坐着的身体能力, 重复手腕动作进行仪器检查, 从一个房间移动到另一个房间,或者在有限的空间里活动.
-书面及口头沟通技巧,能简明扼要地描述病人的情况, document findings in a patient record, 和 implement oral health teachings.
- Function safely under stressful conditions with the ability to adapt to an ever-changing environment inherent in clinic situations involving patient care. 
- 计算机技能 to use a variety of software programs 和 the internet for research 和 course projects. 

Students entering the program must underst和:

牙科保健工作者可能通过血液接触到各种微生物, oral 和 respiratory secretions, 以及牙科病人治疗过程中产生的气溶胶. 这些微生物可能包括乙肝病毒(HBV), Hepatitis C virus (HBC), Herpes Simplex type 1 和 2, 人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)和covid - 19病毒. Health care workers may also be exposed to pathogenic bacteria that may include Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 葡萄球菌, 链球菌, methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, 和 other viruses 和 bacteria-specifically, those that infect the upper respiratory tract. 感染可能在牙科手术中通过接触被污染的器械而传播, operatory equipment, or environmental surfaces: contact with airborne contaminants present in either droplet spatter or aerosols of oral 和 respiratory fluids. Effective infection control strategies are taught, 由全体教员监督,防止感染. 

Students are required to provide proof of immunization to or be required to receive vaccinations prior to entering 牙 hygiene program.

- Hepatitis B Vaccination 
- Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (T-DAP)
- Varicella (Chickenpox)
- Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)

Students will also be required to have:

- Tuberculin Skin Test (Mantoux Method)
- Titar Test for Hepatitis B
- CPR Certification 

Contact Information

Misti Malfe
口腔卫生 program Manager
Hocking College - Perry Campus

Statement Regarding Infectious Diseases:

学生将在真实的病人身上进行临床工作. 有可能接触到许多类型的传染病. 预防措施, known as infection control procedures, 是否会教导并严格执行将风险和暴露降至最低. 乙肝疫苗接种将需要之前的病人治疗部分的计划. CPR certification will also be required.


Accreditation Affiliation 

口腔卫生计划由牙科认证委员会(CODA)认证。Accreditation can only be granted by CODA.

Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) | 211 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611
(800) 621-8099

Accreditation without recommendations

Policy on Third Party Comments


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