
马 & 补充疗法项目描述

The 马的健康和补充疗法 Program focuses on the health care component of the horse industry. The program was developed to meet the industry demand for qualified horse care technicians.  

学生将学习传统卫生保健方面的技能,如营养学, 解剖学和生理学, 母马和马驹管理, 非传统的补充疗法. 


除了传统的医疗保健, Hocking College’s program includes the disciplines of equine massage and acupressure. This unique component teaches students proper massage techniques for applying pressure to and kneading muscles that are prone to fatigue and stress. 


Hocking College offers all-inclusive pricing and works with students to assure they have complete college funding, 包括经济援助, 在开始上课之前. 有关课程费用,请参阅课程表.








住房和膳食计划的定价 可以在这里找到.


A 职业生涯 in 马的健康和补充疗法 Combines the Joy of Horses and Healing

Graduates of the 马的健康和补充疗法 program are prepared for employment in a wide variety of jobs in the equine industry, 比如养殖场, 寄宿操作, 康复机构, 或者当兽医助理.


学生学习成果 (SLOs) are statements of what a student will be able to do when they have completed a program. They represent the knowledge and skills a program has determined are most important for students to gain from that program and include both the Success Skills (institutional outcomes) and Program 结果. SLOs are specific and measurable so the program can accurately assess the degree to which students have achieved each outcome, 他们与大学和机构的使命和价值观一致. Data on the achievement of SLOs is used to make improvements in the program and increase student success. 


1)表现出良好的批判性思维, information literacy and technological competency in the production of academic writing and presentations

2)运用数学方法, 统计或分析推理,批判性地评估数据, 解决问题并有效沟通发现.

3)表现出社会意识, 塑造个人的政治和经济力量, 现代社会的机构和社区.

4)Understand social justice and the diversities and complexities of the cultural and social world past and present and come to an informed sense of self and others.

5)Demonstrate a foundation of knowledge in the natural sciences based on theory and laboratory skills.

6)培养道德价值观, personal wellness and personal learning strategies in the development of the whole person, 心, 身体和精神.

7) Integrate content material to application in the workforce and apply discipline specific knowledge and skills to successfully transfer or effectively meet the expectations of internships, 工作场所, 志愿服务和/或创业努力.

8) Utilize the ethical and professional application of current information technology and tools effectively.


以下学生的学习成果是技能, 行为, and attitudes cultivated in students seeking the Associate of Applied Science in 马的健康和补充疗法.

  • 运用与马术行业相关的商业技能.
  • Identify, maintain, and use safety procedures with horses, tack and related equipment.
  • 在日常操作中执行安全检查程序.
  • 适当地喂马/给马喝水,给马梳洗,打扫马厩.
  • 提供基本的马匹保健,包括预防保健.
  • Properly identify feeds and feeding requirements of equine at all ages and levels of performance.
  • 应用 knowledge of horse anatomy, teeth identification, conformation color, and health care.
  • 管理下马, 包括领导, 系, 拖车装载, 运输, 接近捕捉, 和束缚.
  • 在没有帮助的情况下管理马匹.
  • 正确钉钉和拆钉,包括贴合和调整.
  • 提供先进的马匹保健,包括预防保健.
  • Demonstrate a variety of equine massage techniques to include therapeutic-based massage for specific equine conditions.
  • 演示各种马指压技术.
  • 对母马和马驹进行适当的管理.
  • 了解马的繁殖和繁殖.

项目学习 结果

  • Recognize and apply scientific knowledge and current practices to the principles of equine health and management systems.
  • 展示在团队环境中团结工作的能力. 
  • Model professionals and personal conduct consistent with best practices within the equine industry.
  • Formulate and coherently support positions and derive solutions to challenges related to the equine industry using written, 口服, 以及视觉沟通技巧. 


Retention rates are determined by the office of Institutional Research utilizing the following criteria:

  • All registered fall/autumn students with registration status for the following fall/autumn.
  • 不包括特殊人群-大学学分加, 非学位, 在线军事和大学中心.
  • 潜在的 for upcoming fall/autumn excludes graduates from that fall/autumn, spring and summer terms.
学年 保留率
2014 42%
2015  72%
2016 60%
2017 47%
2018 63%



毕业率由机构研究办公室决定. 确保有适当的时间收集数据, this report will be run and posted annually in the last week of September for the previous academic year. It should be noted that annual graduation rates may change as students continue to graduate. 毕业率的计算将采用以下标准:

  • 总体课程完成率定义为以下比例的百分比: 


  • For the purposes of reporting, the program completion rates are aggregated by academic year of entry.
  • A student is considered to have completed or graduated from a program or certificate by virtue of having been awarded the degree or certificate.
  • A student is considered to be undertaking activity in a program of study for the duration of time that they are in an active status in a program or certificate. This is defined by having a Program of Study with a status of ‘A’ during the duration of time they are taking coursework.  Should a student move in and out of active status in a program of study while continuing to take coursework, we only take into account the student’s activity while the program has an active status for that particular program of study.
学年 毕业率
2014 5%
2015 40%
2016 35%
2017 27%
2018 6%

We consistently need sound, capable horses to teach our students on a daily basis. 马匹应该是符合纪律的,有合适的经验. 因为十大网赌网站大全的课程服务于所有经验水平的学生, we accept horses from the walk-trot/jog-canter/lope level through advanced performance horses, 包括缰绳和牛马.

十大网赌网站大全需要健壮的马, 训练有素,年龄最好在18岁以下. Our school horses generally work one to two hours per day and four to five days per week. 为了确保捐赠的马匹与十大网赌网站大全的需求相匹配, 十大网赌网站大全要求业主始终通过电话或电子邮件与学院沟通. 


  1. 年龄在2到18岁之间. 
  2. 达到至少15手高的成熟高度. 
  3. 要对它的预期目的有用.

欲了解更多有关十大网赌网站大全的捐赠流程,请访问  www.霍金.edu/horse-donation.


通过教育开始你人生的下一个阶段似乎令人望而生畏. 这就是为什么十大网赌网站大全在这里帮助你走好每一步.
